Blog-tember Day 2: What Makes Me Happy

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Write about what makes you happy, from the little joys to the huge game-changers.

What makes me happy? Wow this is a hard question to answer, especially when I'm happy nearly all of the time, and amused by the simplest of things! Haha ok, so let's think... 

Well firstly my friends and family make me very happy. I love them to pieces and never want to be without them.

Spending time with my bf and the kitties, whether it's watching DVDs or having pregnant-pillow-fights until our laughter turns to tears (Maaaybe I should explain what pregnant-pillow-fights are... Basically, you get a cushion, stuff it up the front of your top - so you look pregnant - and run at each other from across the room! It's completely childish, but SO funny! Try it if you don't believe me!)

Music! Music makes me very happy. I have a reputation amongst my friends for knowing all of the words to pretty much any song that comes on the radio. I've been in love with Fall Out Boy since I was about 16 and have seen them play live twice *dances* :-D I also love Katy Perry and a bit of Kisstory every now and then. My music taste is very varied, but then again that just means there'll always be something I can listen to!

This next one is gonna sound a bit nuts... Minnie Mouse! Ever since I was about 3 and visited Disneyland for the first time, I've been totally and completely in love with her. Goodness knows why, I don't even like mice! Apparently there's a video of me, aged 3, meeting her at Disneyland and I'm shaking and having a proper 'starstruck' moment.

My car...

Playing pool. There's a pool club about a 20 minute drive away that I'm always going to. I'm not brilliant at it, but I love being able to relax, unwind and not take things too seriously :-)

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