Blog-tember Day4: Fashion Trends I Love Vs. Fashion Trends I Hate!
Thursday, September 04, 2014
Pick a fashion trend you love and a fashion trend you hate. Win us over!
There are a LOT of fashion trends that I love at the moment, of course I won't go into too much detail about that, but hopefully I'll try to cover the main ones for you :-)
Fashion Trends I Love:
1. I love a good coat!
Multicoloured macs, fashionable parkas, I love them! Is it wrong that I'm excited about Autumn/Winter, just so I can wear a coat? I have waaay too many in my wardrobe!
2. Scarves.
Another winter warmer, haha! I absolutley love this effortless accessory. It has the ability to intantly make any outfit - even the most basic tshirt - look a million times more glamorous, with the added bonus of being sooo cosy and soft.

3. The long bob
I'm loving this hairstyle at the moment. I have long hair and I really want to cut it - it's just not manageable anymore! I'd love to get this done. New (school) year, new me! In fact, I'll think I'll book an appointment now, woohoo!

3. The long bob
I'm loving this hairstyle at the moment. I have long hair and I really want to cut it - it's just not manageable anymore! I'd love to get this done. New (school) year, new me! In fact, I'll think I'll book an appointment now, woohoo!
Fashion Trends I Hate:
1. Skinny jeans on men.
I work in a boys secondary school and the majority of boys have told me that they actually wear their sisters' jeans! Now, I don't mean to offend anyone that likes this trend - each to their own - but there's something very offputting about it for me. I can totally understand why women wear them as skinny jeans make legs look longer and 'sexier', but in my opinion, on men it has the opposite effect! Surely it's not good for them... if you know what I mean?!
2. Men wearing their trousers too low.
Oh dear... where did this so called 'fashion trend' come from?! I have no problem with baggy jeans, but saggy jeans? No way! Pull 'em up!!!
3. Trainers and dresses.
Again, I apologise if you disagree with this statement, but it's just not for me. Lily Allen started it years ago but it never really took off. I love Lily, but it just made her - and everyone who now does it - look like a chav! Or maybe they thought to themselves, "I'm going to wear a pretty dress today, but I'll wear my trainers in case I feel like doing some cross-country running!". Beats me!
4. Wearing shorts... with pockets longer than the legs!
In the summer, I can completely understand wearing Daisy Duke style shorts. Hell, if I had the figure I'd be wearing them myself! But I draw the line at shorts that are SO short, the linings of the pockets are literally hanging out!
Totally agree on all of these!
ReplyDeleteShorts should never ever be longer than their pockets! And why would you get all dolled up, just to put a pair of trainers on and look all casual! Beats me!
Check out my blogtember post!
XO - Alice
Haha, thanks! Your blog's gorgeous :-) Steph xx