Goodbye Winter

Monday, March 21, 2016

Well, yesterday was officially the first day of Spring!

This winter seems to have flown by and we didn't even get one single flake of snow where I live. (Don't worry though, I still got to experience a snow machine in Rochester high street - although it literally went everywhere, including in the cup of hot chocolate that I was carrying!).

When I reflect on this last quarter, I actually did quite a lot! Since September, I've seen Fall Out Boy, Alan Carr and Jason Derulo... I visited the Clothes Show and the Cosmopolitan cocktail party... I've been to numerous Christmas Fairs... I had a Christmas Quiz party with some friends and had a wonderful Christmas day, closely followed by a 21st Birthday and a 30th Birthday in January... I visited Canterbury for the week to enrol in my final year at Uni... oh, and I GOT ENGAGED!!! 

So what's next for this season? Well I've already kickstarted the quarter with a Christening and I've got a birthday next weekend and a 70th birthday celebration next month. I'm also looking forward to seeing Busted and Sarah Millican perform, as well as a performance of The Mousetrap (an Agatha Christie play).

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