These gorgeous ladies have definitely got it going on. Their luscious locks are shining and it's a sure sign that summer's nearly here.
I recommend:
The colour enhancing shampoos and conditioners by both John Frieda and Phil Smith are top of my list. They made my hair feel soft and shiny for 2 days. I did, however feel that they made my hair go greasy quite quickly!
I also recommend Percy and Reed moisturising conditioner, however I did find that it left my hair feeling a bit sticky after. My hair looked gorgeous, soft and altogether perfect for a night out, but I felt I had to wash it the next day because of the texture, so if you're looking to make it last longer, I'd use something different.
I'm currently in a dilemma. As much as I love having long hair, I'm getting bored with it. I'm naturally brunette and I don't really fancy dying it because I actually quite like my colouring, but I just don't know what to do with it or how long to have it. I'm also considering a side fringe but I don't know if it'll work. I need to sort it out soon though!