In 3 months time I turn 30. *Gulp* Wow... When I was younger, 30 seemed so long away and quite frankly, it seemed OLD! I always envisaged I'd be married, have children, a house, a big fancy car, my dream job... but I'm nowhere near that yet. Everyone reaches milestones in their own time so I'm not comparing my life to anyone else's. Let's establish where I actually am in life... First things first, I am in a very happy, loving relationship and I wouldn't change it for the world. No, I'm not married or engaged, but that doesn't matter. My job... eek... now that's a touchy subject (and no doubt I will bore you with that at some point, but for now let's just say it's on the list!) I live at home with my parents, I drive a car that is falling apart around me and I don't even have any fur babies, let alone real ones. Realistically there's not an awful lot I can achieve in 3 months and to be honest I've let it pretty late to compile this list but better late than never!
1. Lose at least a stone
I feel like this may be achievable. I started dieting last Thursday after stepping on the scales and being horrified by the numbers. I literally weight the most I've ever weighed and I feel so heavy and unhealthy with no energy whatsoever. I'm going to change this asap! I have no idea how much weight I will lose or how long it will take me, but I figured 3 months to lose (at least) a stone is very achievable.
2. Decide on a viable career path
As I mentioned a moment ago, my work situation is very strained and I'm not happy at all. I want to leave my profession completely and try something new. I need to put myself and my health first and find a job where I can get more of a work/home balance and with less pressure. I just need to decide on a path to pursue first!
3. Perfect my CV
In order to do the above, I need to finally get my bum into gear and compile a proper CV and portfolio. I always miss things off my CV so I need to do this properly.
4. Read an entire book
Short and sweet. I used to read tons but now I genuinely can't remember the last time I finished a book. I always start a book with good intentions but after I put the book down, I forget about it!
5. Save some money and start budgeting properly
To be honest, I don't have an issue with money, but I'm not rolling in the stuff either. In fact, I'm very comfortable, but there's a lot of things in the future that I want to be able to afford, such as a car, a house, furniture, etc. I know this will cost money so I need to start budgeting and allowing for extra savings. I'm not completely frivolous, but I am an impulse buyer and I always go OTT on gifts at Christmas and for birthdays. It's about time I differentiate between what I want and what I need, and simply appreciate a product rather than buy it and not use it!
6. Clear out things I don't want/need and go 'minimalist'
I have a lot of stuff lying about, like things from my teenage years that I really don't need anymore and that are just cluttering the place up. It's about time I moved on and got rid. Perhaps other people could make use of them instead!
7. Donate to charity
Since I want to declutter, I may as well do my bit and give to charity. Not only will someone benefit from my stuff but the charity will also earn some very useful money. It may not be a lot but every little helps.
8. Have a Pinterest/Tumblr worthy bedroom
Once I declutter, I would LOVE to redecorate my room. I'm not sure this will be possible, as carpets etc are expensive and I've only got 3 months to do it, but as long as it's tidy it'll be the first step.
9. Go to the beach
The beach is one of my favourite places to go. It's so peaceful and tranquil listening to the sounds of the waves and the seagulls. Uh! I'm melting away just thinking about it!
10. Look for a place of my own
11. Start a business
12. Book a holiday
I haven't been abroad since 2003! I would LOVE to go to Paris and see the Eiffel Tower and Disney Land!
13. Try being vegetarian for a week
I don't eat red meat very often as I just don't like it, but I'm a sucker for a burger and chicken. I really would like to try this so I can understand other people's lifestyle choices and perspectives. I may even learn some really tasty recipes!
14. Try being vegan for a week
I think this task is going to be a lot harder than I think, but I think it will open my eyes and make me appreciate veganism more.
15. Go to the cinema for Date Night
Would you believe my bf and I have only been to the cinema once?! We normally go to CeX and buy a ton of DVDs for 50p and have a movie night in bed, but I think it's time we went to the cinema again for a proper 'date night'.
16. Keep blogging... 1 post at a time!
17. Unsubscribe from unnecessary subscriptions
There's a lot of unnecessary payments that I'm making which I could probably rethink, like Glossybox, Birchbox, Readly, Amazon Prime etc. The same goes for emails! I literally receive over 100 emails per day that are newsletters from websites I've visited or ordered from once or twice, and will no longer use. Not only does it mean my phone goes off at all hours of the day and I have that annoying red dot on the email icon on my phone, but it means that I don't notice important emails when I actually do receive them!
18. Sign up for a new class
Whether it's online or not, I'm seriously thinking about taking another class and learning something new. At the moment I'm considering hairdressing beginners and counselling Level 3 but I'm undecided.
19. Take care of my mental health
I have a history of mental health issues and suffer from panic attacks, anxiety, self harm and mild depression. I'm determined to look after myself and not put myself in situations that will affect this. I want to make sure I take some time to myself each day to reflect and be more mindful.
20. Go on a spa day
To relax my old bones, ha!
21. Take better care of my skin
I always seem to have tiny spots on my skin and I use a ton of makeup to try and cover it, which only ends up making it worse! I'd like to develop a skincare routine so eventually I will only have to wear minimal makeup (eyeliner, blush and lip gloss) and feel confident in my own skin.
22. Go to the park and play on the swings etc
Just to feel like a kid again
23. Throw someone a party
Because why not?
24. Have a BBQ
25. Watch the sun set
26. Go star gazing
27. Get rid of clothes that no longer fit or plain don't suit me!
How can I feel good if I don't at least look good?
28. Teach my bf to drive
29. Take control of my life
30. Celebrate my Birthday with style and make it memorable!