It's been quite a while since I've had a good ol' shopping spree in Primark. I've been watching so many YouTubers recently showing off all their Primani bargains, so when my friend suggested we go to the three-storey Lakeside branch in Essex, I jumped at the chance!
As it's pretty much the end of summer now, all the new Autumn/Winter wear is in store. I think I have to admit that Autumn fashion is my absolute favourite! I love snuggling up in a good ol' cosy, chunky-knitted jumper, and layering up outfits with pretty scarves and gloves. But rather than indulge on that just yet, I headed for the gazillion sale rails instead and treated myself to some bargains.
My friend is a MASSIVE Harry Potter fan, and her face completely lit up when she saw the new HP range. She was like a kid in a sweet shop, and we literally spent half of our time in that particular section. If she had the money (and if her husband would let her!) I'm pretty certain she would have bought the whole range, but instead I picked up this cute Hogwarts purse for her for Christmas for £6. (Yes, I know it's super early to be even thinking about Christmas just yet, but I like to start early to avoid the rush later!)

It's ok, she knows she's getting it for Christmas, so it doesn't matter too much that I've uploaded it on here! I love that it has a large coin section, as well as pockets for cards, but it would be even better if it had a few more pockets for all those cards that she carries!
Next, I picked up these super cute Unicorn reed diffuser and room spray for my house at £3 each. They're really subtle, which I really like. In the past, I've paid more money for similar products in stores such as Next, but I've found that the scent is quite strong, and so overpowering that it makes me cough. This one however is really light and just adds a hint of freshness, which is perfect for a bedroom or living room.
In a couple of weeks' time, I'll be heading to Wales for my friend's belated hen weekend. Her bridesmaids have done a fantastic job in arranging the activities, but one thing they have specified, is that when we arrive on the Friday, we have to wear white. Now I'm not too sure why this is at the moment, but it occurred to me that I actually don't own anything that's plain white! So what better place to look than Primark! I picked up this white 'ladder-back' t-shirt for £3 and these white slip on pumps for £3 too!
I've been wearing a pair of converse-rip-off's from New Look for forever now, that they reeeeally smell and look really grubby. (I actually bought them from the kid's '915' range for less than £5!) I can't quite bring myself to part with them just yet as they're really comfy, but I thought I should probably buy something similar that I can wear on a day to day basis that can be easily replaced, so they've definitely got a dual purpose!
My friend is also a teacher, and is having a school night during her hen weekend, where we will have to dress up in school uniform and have an old fashioned sports day activity. How perfect are these plimpsols?! Haha! They were just £3 and will be perfect for the occasion!
My hair is in pretty poor condition at the moment, and in desperate need of a hair mask, so a hair turban has been on my list for some time now. The trouble is, you can never find one when you need one! Luckily though, I did manage to find one for just £1.50 in the Primark beauty section. While I was there, I also stumbled upon these silicone make up applicators for £2 and thought, meh, why not give them a try? (I'm such a sucker for an impulse buy!) I've been watching beauty bloggers use them quite a lot recently and although I'm skeptical, I figured I should probably give it a go. (I'll let you know what I think!)
Finally we headed to the sale section (we literally spent so long in the Harry Potter section that we didn't actually leave ourselves enough time to look around the rest of the store before the shutters started coming down!). I picked up this cute pink bardot top for just £2, which I've been wearing all weekend, haha, and this casual black scoop-neck tee for just £1! Can you believe it?! It's only a basic tee, but it's perfect for work, and for lazing around the house in.
If we had more time I can pretty much guarantee my basket would have been full, but I think my bank balance is thankful that we didn't! Summer has really taken it's toll, and as much as I've enjoyed having time away from school, it will be quite nice to have some kind of routine again!